About a year ago, our team member Maude and her family made the exciting journey from the USA to New Zealand. In celebration of her American heritage and the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we thought it would be fitting to reflect on what we're thankful for this year.

Beyond the cultural exchange, there's more to gratitude than just a festive tradition. Research in psychology has delved into the health benefits of practising gratitude, emphasising the importance of acknowledging the positive aspects of our lives. The findings are compelling: participants in studies who actively “counted their blessings” experienced notable decreases in anxiety and depression. Simultaneously, there was an uplifting boost in self-esteem and improved sleep quality.

What's particularly interesting is how gratitude can play a role in the challenging moments of caretaking and parenting. Amidst the chaos and demands, taking a moment to appreciate the small victories, the laughter, and the moments of connection can be a game-changer. Whatever difficulty and stress you are faced with, finding gratitude during these difficult times can provide a perspective shift, making the tough moments a bit more manageable.

As we approach this season of gratitude, let's not only honour our traditions but also embrace the well-being that stems from appreciating the goodness around us!

I am thankful for my family. They have taught me patience, love and how important it is to laugh along the way.

- Diane, Founder and CEO

I am thankful that I have remained so healthy this year and that I have been able to travel to Australia and Europe for 4 months.

- Glenn, Director


I am thankful that the sun is shining again and that I have finally figured out what to do for Secret Santa.

- Lisa, Accounts

I am thankful that my husband's recent surgery went well and that I have a loving and awesome family, live in a great country and have a job I enjoy!

- Michelle, Customer Service

I am grateful for finding a new place to live this year that is cosy and quiet.. so far.

- Attila, Warehouse

I am thankful to live in a stable country and for being able to celebrate my mother’s 90th birthday with her this year.

- Alison, Administration

I am thankful for my family, my partner, our friends, and all our pets. For growing up in a small town with beautiful countryside, big beaches, and where I can lie in our front yard and see all the stars at night. And soup.

- Ariana, Marketing

I am thankful for both my husband’s and son’s health. And as the mother of a very active toddler, I am thankful for all the playgrounds and outdoor space in this beautiful country!

- Maude, Marketing

I am very grateful to be the mother of two wonderful children and grateful for the beautiful family I belong to! I am also thankful for my health and to live in New Zealand.

- Luz, Wholesale

I am thankful for being able to cook my family dinner each weeknight.

- Danny, Logistics


IndependentlyYou.com.au is a registered NDIS provider.

We are proud to announce, as a registered NDIS Continence Aids Provider, that our incontinence products can accessed through the Consumables budget in your NDIS plan.

You can place an order (GST Free) on our website, IndependentlyYou.com.au; via telephone (1800 809 847) or via email to info@independentlyyou.com.

Our range of incontinence products include absorbent underwear, waterproof; bedding, lift chair and regular chair protection, bibs and bandanas.

For more information on the NDIS and whether you or your loved one may be eligible for support please visit the Federal Government’s NDIS Website


Web: https://IndependentlyYou.com.au

NDIS Provider Number: 4050015980 (Brolly Sheets Ltd)

Email: info@brollysheets.com

Australia: 1800 809 847
